Monday 1 September 2014

September "Currently"!

If you haven't linked up to "Currently" at {Oh' Boy 4th Grade} then you're missing out! This is one of the biggest link ups I have seen while perusing teaching blogs. This is a fun link-up she does on the first of every month. So enjoy my Currently and join in the fun!

This is the first "first day of school" in 4 years that I have not had a job to go to tomorrow! But I am going to enjoy, thoroughly, the flexibility supply teaching will give me... especially knowing that next year, I will definitely have a job in some capacity. So, enjoy your start of school, teacher friends!


  1. Thanks! I went on over and followed you - love your blog and I can't wait to be able to go through and read everything!

  2. Sorry for your job woes. Hoping things turn around!
    Found your blog through Farley's linkup. Love the blog name!
